TotalPurge is the AutoCAD app for complex drawing optimization |
Examples of using TotalPurge
Video 1. Optimizing drawing
- This video shows an example of optimizing a drawing with over 16 000 objects.
- Smart conversion of objects into polylines is enabled in the application settings. At the same time, the conversion of splines is disabled. These settings ensure the maximum drawing cleanup.
- When TotalPurge is done, we can see that the size of the optimized drawing has decreased by approximately 30% of the source.
Video 2. Parametrizing drawing with block creator
- This video shows an example of parametrizing a drawing using the built in the TotalPurge software tool "block creator".
- In the beginning, we create a closed contour, which consists of a few lines and an arc. Next, we copy that contour as a circular array. And on the next step we launch TotalPurge and activate the "block creator" in its settings.
- The result of TotalPurge operation in this case is a new block named "DBL-BLOCK-0001" and six block insertions with various rotation angles in place of the earlier created closed contours.
Video 3. Simple conversion of entities into polylines
- This video shows an example of using TotalPurge for converting simple entities (lines and arcs) forming a closed contour into a polyline.
- In the beginning, we create a closed contour, which consists of a few lines and arcs. Next, we launch TotalPurge and activate smart conversion of entities into polylines in the settings.
- When TotalPurge has done its work, you can see that in place of the eight objects of the drawing we now have a single closed polyline, which you can further edit using, for example, the PEDIT command.
Video 4. Simple conversion of splines and lines into polyines
- This video shows an example of using TotalPurge to convert a spline into a polyline with its further integration with another polyline into a single closed mono LWPOLYLINE object.
- For clarity, the spline and the nearest polyline are color-coded. Through the process of conversion and merging of the two objects, we obtain a polyline with a different color, which we have specified before starting the conversion process on the "Properties" tab.
- In this example, the conversion of a spline into a polyline is done by approximation with two arc segments.
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